New to MMFI?
Application Process
We encourage all potential candidates interested in the ministerial fellowship and credentials to complete an application. In addition, please include:
- Affiliate Membership Applicants: Please include 5 recommendation forms given to people who can speak about your character and ministerial possibilities or experiences with your application.
- Fellowship Membership Applicants: Please include 2 recommendation forms with your application--one from your pastor and one from a current MMFI Board Member.
The License to Minister is granted to those who have both a demonstrated calling and an availability to minister - a proven call. Also, Ordination may be granted to those who have been successful in a recognized and proven public ministry for an extended period of time, and who devote a significant amount of their time to such ministry. The candidate for ordination should also have demonstrated maturity in character and attitude, and be sound in doctrine and Biblical knowledge. In addition, check out the following information:
Note: There is a $25.00 non-refundable fee for application processing.
Please Submit Payment, Application and Recommendation Forms to:
MMFI Northeast Regional Office
72 Moose River Drive
St. Johnsbury, VT05819
Phone: 802.748.2182
MMFI Corporate Headquarters
5872 Covington Cove Way
Orlando, FL32829
Phone/Fax: 407.704.5132