MMFI Apostolic Board

Bishop todd & Pastor xio callahan

Bishop Todd and Pastor Xio Callahan serve as the Senior Pastors of Ignite Church with locations in Williston, Vermont and Orlando, Florida. Bishop Todd became Presiding Bishop over the MMFI fellowship in 2024. Bishop earned his Bachelor’s of Theology degree & Masters of Leadership degree from Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL. Pastor Xio is a Certified Integrative Health Practitioner leading people to discover healthier ways of living life, bettering their lifestyle choices to nurture their vessel through natural health and wellness. Together they put Vermont in the national spotlight through the COVID pandemic by keeping the church open and resisting the unconstitutional mandates handed down by the Vermont governor’s office. Despite enormous pressure by the media, local communities and state government, they stood strong with the help and support from Charlie Kirk, Eric Metaxas, Kris Anne Hall, Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne and many others around the nation. The Callahans believe in preaching an uncompromised Kingdom message and will protect the freedom to do so while encouraging future generations to do the same. Bishop and Pastor Xio are honored to run alongside every spiritual leader and ministry to engage the power of God throughout this generation.

Bishop Rick & Dr. Phyllis Callahan

Apostle Rick Callahan and Dr. Phyllis Callahan reside in Orlando, Florida where they serve MMFI from the Corporate Headquarters there. He now serves as Emeritus Bishop for the fellowship and travels and ministers extensively both nationally and internationally, equipping and strengthening MMFI leaders and ministers. He served as Senior Pastor at Maranatha Christian Church in Williston, VT from 1982-2009. While in Seoul, South Korea in 1996, after a meeting with Dr. David Yonggi Cho, and spending much time praying in the grottos in the mountains of Seoul, God moved upon his heart to establish Maranatha Ministerial Fellowship, Int’l. to equip and strengthen ministers in their churches and the marketplace, and to spread the Gospel of Christ through evangelism, church planting, leadership development, discipleship, and Biblical teaching and training throughout the U.S. and the world. Bishop Rick earned his D.Min. degree from Christian Life School of Theology and was awarded his D.D. from among his peers which include Dr. Ron Cottle, founder and president of CLST. Dr. Phyllis serves as Secretary for MMFI and served on the pastoral staff of Maranatha Christian Church from 2000-2009. While at the church, she was the Academic Dean for the Williston campus of Christian Life School of Theology. Rev. Phyllis served in a leadership role for New England’s Women of the Word conferences for several years while in Vermont, and in June of 2009, she began serving in the marketplace in Orlando as an instructor at Anthem College, and later at Centura Institute, where she used her skills as a Registered Nurse to train aspiring Nursing students. Phyllis travels both internationally and domestically ministering with her husband as a conference speaker and Bible teacher.

Apostle Rick & Pastor Carmen Menard

MMFI Vice President Rick and MMFI Treasurer, Carmen Menard burn with a passion to see souls saved and added to the Kingdom of God, and to equip the Body of Christ for the ministry. They are part of an evangelistic and apostolic ministry reaching out to the world in prisons, schools, and many public venues. The Menards began serving MMFI as Northeast Regional Directors in September, 2009. They served as the pastor of New Beginnings Christian Church in St. Johnsbury, Vermont for many years.

Prophets Bill & Esther Emmons

Bill and Esther Emmons are the senior pastors of Life Christian Center in Johnstown, New York, and the founders of Prophetic Destiny Ministry.  Prophet Bill Hamon called them "... strong prophets ... who will build the church prophetically...with the supernatural ...with revelation knowledge ...with the miracle" and not according to any established pattern or program of man. The Emmons are working with ministries such as Jenny Weaver, to develop and strengthen the prophetic gift in the body of Christ utilizing Prophet Bill’s book “Prophets & Prophecy.”

Pastors frank & vicki maccracken

Frank and Vicki MacCracken pastor Word of Faith Christian Family Center in Maryland, New York. They have three children and five grandchildren. Word of Faith is a generational church started by Frank's dad in 1983, and then turned over to Frank and Vicki in 1995. Our passion is to glorify Jesus Christ and to establish His kingdom in the lives of people through healing, training, and equipping for our region as well as the nations.