Zoom MMFI Vermont Regional for all affiliates and visitors! Here’s all of the info!
MMFI Vermont Regional Meeting
When: Sat Jun 13, 2020 12:45pm – 3:15pm Eastern Time - New York
Where: https://zoom.us/j/8028992949?pwd=aUNFZHVxbm16amlTdVdaUmFVc2RNQT09 (map)
Calendar: mmfimembers@newbeginningsstj.org
Who: pastormike@catalystvt.org - organizer; mmfimembers@newbeginningsstj.org
More Details:
The MMFI Apostolic Board is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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MMFI Vermont Regional Zoom Meeting Agenda
June 13, 2020
12:45-1:00- Click in to Zoom Meeting
1:00-1:15- Quick SelfIntroductions- Pastor Mike Murray
1:15-1:30-Worship- New Life Church Team
1:30-2:00- Word from Bishop Rick and Dr. Phyllis Callahan
2:00-2:15- MMFIUpdates- New England Directors
2:15-3:00- Prayer Requests and Corporate Prayer
Thank you all for joining us today and we look forward to seeing you for our New York Regional Meeting on August 8th, being hosted by Pastors Frank and Vicki MacCracken and the Word of Faith Family Christian Fellowship in Maryland, New York!
Meeting ID: 802 899 2949
Password: 8028992949
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